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The Ship Beneath the Ice

The Discovery of Shackleton's Endurance

The Ship Beneath the Ice
The Ship Beneath the Ice
  • Forfatter: Mensun Bound
  • Format: Pocket
  • Antall sider: 448
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Forlag/Utgiver: SD Books
  • EAN: 9781035008421
  • Utgivelsesår: 2023
  • Bidragsyter: Bound, Mensun
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<p><b>The extraordinary story of how the <i>Endurance</i>, Sir Ernest Shackleton's ship, was found in the most hostile sea on Earth in 2022 &ndash; told by the Director of Exploration on the Endurance22 Expedition.<br><br>'Mensun Bound has a natural flair for storytelling and his narrative cracks along with the pace of a well-crafted thriller . . . Captivating and engrossing' &ndash; <i>Mail on Sunday</i></b><br><br><b>'As thrilling as any tale from the heroic age of exploration . . . Bound&rsquo;s account is a triumph' &ndash; <i>Sunday Times</i></b><br><br>On 21 November 1915, Sir Ernest Shackleton&rsquo;s ship, <i>Endurance</i>, finally succumbed to the crushing ice. Its crew watched in silence as the stern rose twenty feet in the air and then, it was gone. The miraculous escape and survival of all twenty-eight men on board have en