Nettbutikk for bedrifter og skoler


Universal history series
  • Forfatter: Karen Armstrong
  • Format: Pocket
  • Antall sider: 224
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Forlag/Utgiver: SD Books
  • Serienavn: Universal history series
  • EAN: 9781842125830
  • Utgivelsesår: 2001
  • Bidragsyter: Armstrong, Karen
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One of the world''s foremost commentators on religious affairs on the history (and destiny) of the world''s most misunderstood religion.

In the public mind, Islam is a religion of extremes: it is the world''s fastest growing faith; more than three-quarters of the world''s refugees are Islamic; it has produced government by authoritarian monarchies in Saudi Arabia and ultra-republicans in Iran. Whether we are reading about civil war in Algeria or Afghanistan, the struggle for the soul of Turkey, or political turmoil in Pakistan or Malaysia, the Islamic context permeates all these situations.

Karen Armstrong''s elegant and concise book traces how Islam grew from the other religions of the book, Judaism and Christianity; introduces us to the character of Muhammed; and demonstrates that for much of its history, the religion has been a force for enlightenment that promoted liberties for women and allowed the arts and sciences to flourish.

ISLAM shows how this