Nettbutikk for bedrifter og skoler

Where Hope Comes From

Healing poetry for the heart, mind and soul

Where Hope Comes From
Where Hope Comes From
  • Forfatter: Nikita Gill
  • Format: Innbundet
  • Antall sider: 160
  • Språk: Engelsk
  • Forlag/Utgiver: SD Books
  • EAN: 9781398702769
  • Utgivelsesår: 2021
  • Bidragsyter: Gill, Nikita
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''Absolutely beautiful and soul-enhancing poems'' Matt Haig

Written against the backdrop of global crisis, Nikita Gill''s new collection Where Hope Comes From shines a light into the darkness as we begin our journey back to hope. Weaving words that explore our collective trauma, her poetry takes us on a journey through the five stages of grief to the five stages of hope through the life cycle of a star. The collection features her most popular poems to date Love in the Time of Coronavirus and How to be Strong, alongside new material and beautiful watercolour illustrations.

If you, or someone you know is mourning the loss of a loved one, or a way of life; let Nikita''s words help you through the process to heal.

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